Syney ELectric(Hangzhou)Co.,Ltd. Mon, 09 Dec 2019 01:40:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The number of retrofitted elevators in old buildings in Guangzhou accounts for 40% of the country, ranking first in major cities Mon, 25 Nov 2019 00:31:05 +0000 广州旧楼加装电梯数量占全国40%,居各大城市之首

Ocean News “The first step to go out and the last way to go home”, the installation of an elevator in the old building is a livelihood project that has received much attention in recent years.

Recently, the first international seminar on retrofitting elevators in existing buildings hosted by China Elevator Association, Guangdong Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, and Zhongshan Market Supervision Bureau was held. Nearly 200 companies, inspection and testing institutions, and nearly 500 experts around the country discussed industry policies, technologies, standards, funds, and business models for installing elevators in existing buildings.

The reporter learned at the meeting that as of the end of September, 6,153 elevators in the old districts of Guangzhou had been approved for planning and installation. A total of 3781 units were completed and put into use. The number of installed elevators accounted for 40% of the total installed national elevators in China. The first place in a big city, the old building lift project has benefited 700,000 Guangzhou residents.

At the meeting, foreign experts from Finland, Singapore and other countries also made experiences and introduced international successful cases to promote the development of China’s “installed elevators”.

According to statistics, in 2020, the national population of people over 60 will increase to 255 million. As the urban population ages further, the problem of installing elevators in old homes will become increasingly prominent. The “Chinese Government Work Report” in 2019 proposed “supporting the installation of elevators”. Local governments actively promoted the people’s livelihood project, and improved the “first step out and last step home” of residents in old buildings to become the government and elevator industry. Major events of the agency.

Among them, many cities represented by Guangzhou have made remarkable achievements in installing elevators in existing buildings.

According to Yang Yanhui, deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, as of the end of September 2019, the city has approved 6,153 plans for the installation of elevators. A total of 3781 units have been completed and put into use, with a completion rate of 61.4%, benefiting more than 700,000 residents. Installed elevators in old buildings account for about 40% of the country’s total, ranking first in major cities across the country.

At the same time, 11 jurisdictions in Guangzhou have also issued related support policies to support the installation of elevators in existing buildings. It is understood that each district has provided financial subsidies ranging from 100,000 to 150,000 for installing elevators in old buildings.

To say that Guangzhou’s latest experience in installing elevators in existing buildings is the “pilot installation of elevators”. According to reporters, installing elevators in existing homes is a long-chain job involving functional departments such as land, planning, housing construction, quality supervision, transportation, electricity, water supply, gas, communications, network, cable TV, and many state-owned enterprises. . From the owner’s self-government, overall planning to completion, ordinary people need to run multiple departments.

Kangyuyuan innovated and successively installed elevators in Panyu District.

How to solve “difficult to approve”? According to reports, Guangzhou City has been exploring the installation of elevators. An elevator installation company, if it can install 10 elevators on a street within half a year, can use one-time continuous piece of notice. In the future, Guangzhou City will also continue to promote the pilot installation of elevators in a continuous piece, prepare a pilot plan for installing elevators in old residential areas, further simplify and optimize the approval process, and explore the district elevator office to organize relevant functional departments to Work system for joint review of elevator installation plans.

In addition, in addition to Guangzhou, other cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are also unwilling to install elevators in existing buildings. As early as the 1980s and 1990s, Zhongshan City has built a large number of the first batch of modern residential quarters with six or seven floors, which has helped Zhongshan become one of the earliest cities in China to receive the United Nations Habitat Award. Now, these dwellings are gradually replacing the “second spring” of old buildings by installing elevators. According to reports, at present, Zhongshan has built a national elevator industrial base, integrating the entire industrial chain including elevator research and development, manufacturing, maintenance, and talent training.

Full-text reporter Jia Zheng of Guangzhou Daily

Guangzhou Daily Full Media Photo Reporter Li Bo

“The first elevator installation was successful” Sun, 24 Nov 2019 23:31:04 +0000 “首部电梯加装成功”尊重成全才能美美与共

In addition to the 200,000 yuan subsidized by the government, the remaining 300,000 yuan of installation costs will be shared by the residents in the corridor. After 10 households negotiated, the distribution ratio was determined: 20.5% on the 6th floor, 15% on the 5th floor, 9% on the 4th floor, 4% on the 3rd floor, and 1.5 on the 2nd floor. %, Owners on the first floor do not share. The maintenance of elevators and the burden of electricity costs are also apportioned in this proportion. (“The Modern Gold News” on November 14)

With the aging of the population structure, the installation of elevators in old communities has gradually changed from a specific demand to a universal demand. For the old people, “difficult to climb the building” is not only a physical pain, but also a mental torment; in the real estate trading market, step rooms without elevators are not to be seen, not only difficult to deal, but also Affects the market premium of real estate. The installation of elevators in old communities will help improve the living conditions of ordinary people, improve the quality of life and happiness of the elderly, and gradually become a trend of the times.

In addition to the “system blood supply” of the public sector, the dream come true is also inseparable from the positive interaction between the residents of the old community. The key to the “successful installation of the first elevator” is that different residents can form a plan that everyone can accept through interest negotiation and interest games. Eliminated the “gap between debris” among residents on different floors, and searched for the largest “common divisor of value”; only if everyone “thinks in one place and works hard in one place”, the installation of an elevator will not leave the meeting open , Never do, never do.

Residents of the same building have different levels of needs for installing elevators on different floors and benefit from them differently, so they should be treated differently in terms of cost sharing; the higher the floor, the more costs they bear; The lower the floor, the less the cost, and the residents on the first floor do not have to bear it. Residents on the first floor have the least demand for retrofitting elevators and have limited benefits. If they use various reasons such as affecting house lighting and family travel to obstruct and not cooperate, retrofitting elevators will be stranded. It is precisely because the residents on the first floor know how to think differently, and are willing to be considerate of others and fulfill others. In some places, because it is difficult for residents to coordinate the interests of the installation of the elevator, and it is difficult to form a value consensus, the installation of the elevator has been delayed.

As a public business, installing elevators in old communities can easily fall into the “free-rider dilemma”. Some residents have a very strong and urgent need to install an elevator. Some residents think that installing an elevator is a good thing. They can barely cope without installing an elevator. Some residents are worried that the cost sharing is not fair and reasonable … the so-called public is difficult to adjust. Fortunately, it is not as easy as we think; under the leadership of enthusiastic people, through the break-in and collision again and again, residents have fewer and fewer differences and more and more consensus, and finally installing an elevator can achieve everything.

Respect and respond to the diverse and differentiated interests of residents, and are willing to “beauty of adults”. This is the “success code” for elevator installation regardless of the region or the old community. The residents living in the same building form a community of social life. Making the installation of elevators more beneficial to the people in the old communities will help meet their longing for and pursuit of a “better life.” * The above are only the author’s personal comments, and do not represent the views of this website.

“Sickness” for many years Thu, 21 Nov 2019 06:00:00 +0000 “病退”多年手扶电梯仍然未拆

News review: Today’s Wuhu client users report that Ronghui Zhongjiang Plaza, located on the east side of Zhonghe Road, is a major business district in the city center. But at the entrance to the business district, an escalator has not been used for many years. “Now, a handwritten scrapping sign is placed at the entrance of the elevator, which has a great impact on the city appearance. It is recommended that relevant departments can remove this scrapped elevator in time.” (For details, see Dajiang Evening News, October 11, A07)

Latest progress: After receiving the complaint, the reporter came to Ronghui Zhongjiang Plaza for an on-site interview and reported the situation to the Xinwu Road Community Neighborhood Committee. Xinwu Road Community Residents Committee responded that they would go to the scene to check the specific situation and would contact the property company to see how to deal with it in the future. After the report was published for a while, some merchants recently complained that this escalator is still in the downtown area, and there are still a lot of garbage on the elevator steps and falling objects on the elevator. There is a great potential safety hazard. Hope Relevant departments can handle it in time.

On November 20, after a live interview, the reporter found that the situation did exist. In this regard, the relevant staff of Xinwu Road Community Resident Committee said that because this elevator belongs to the owner of Ronghui Zhongjiang Plaza. At present, the owner committee of Ronghui Zhongjiang Plaza is soliciting opinions from owners, hoping to come up with a plan in the near future. Because elevators are special equipment, if they are determined to be demolished, they will report the plan to the market supervision and management office, and they will arrange how to dismantle. Reporter Tang Rongxun Intern Chen Tong

Source: Dajiang Evening News

(Responsible Editor Yang Mingmei)

Beijing Sunhe Kangying Homeland Community installed 178 elevators, 6000 residents no longer worry about climbing Thu, 21 Nov 2019 05:05:14 +0000 北京孙河康营家园小区加装178部电梯,6000名居民不再为爬楼发愁

The reporter learned from Chaoyang District today that Sunhe Kangying Homestead will add 178 elevators to the residential building at a stretch, and 6000 residents will no longer need to climb the building.

The intelligent sensing city operation platform in the Sunhe area assists “doing the action immediately” to “doing it before the action”, and the regional branch is built in the building courtyard, and party members are sent to the building door to participate in community governance. The 178 elevators in the Kangyingjiayuan community will be fully put into use, and more than 6,000 residents will bid farewell to climbing. Photo by Cheng Gong

In the morning, the reporter came to Building 6, Zone B, Kangying Homeland. Outside the residential building, a brand new plug-in elevator stands out. “This elevator is fast and stable. I arrived home in less than a minute.” Aunt Zhang, a resident living on the 5th floor, told reporters that the floor they lived in was high and their legs and legs were inconvenient. Before going upstairs, they always had trouble for children . “There is an elevator now. It is much more convenient to go downstairs to buy food and take a bend.”

In Kangyingjiayuan District, a total of 178 elevators will be installed this year, and 93 have been officially delivered. Elevators installed in old buildings are mostly stuck at the point where residents have different opinions. In Sun He, being able to install so many elevators in one go is inseparable from the solid party building work of the regional work committee. In 2009, 9 villages including Kangying Village in the Sunhe area of ​​Chaoyang completed demolition, relocation, and resettlement. It is also since then that more than 6,000 residents have gone upstairs to live in the Kangying Homeland community.

The village was demolished, and the original close ties between village committees and residents also faced challenges. “After the relocation, villages and residences run side by side, and some functions of village party branches have been replaced by community party committees, while community residents’ party branches and village party branches also have significant differences in management models. Everyone needs to transition and change. The relevant person in charge of the Working Committee told reporters that in order to solve these problems, this year, Sunhe District started the “Jumei Homeland” project in the Kangying Homeland community.

“Jumei Home”, as its name implies, means uniting one’s heart and building a beautiful home together. Strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations in the form of community party committee co-ordination, party branches built in the courtyard, and party members to the door, etc. Through party building guidance, we can solve various problems of regional social governance. At present, party branches have been established in 17 natural buildings in the four residential communities of Kangying Homes. The branch offices of each building divide the building doors according to the specific situation of the party members, and implement the “red building door length” system to drive the majority of residents to manage and serve themselves.

The pilot installation of elevators in the Kangyingjiayuan community is a benefit project in the Sunhe area. But initially, the process of adding elevators also faced many problems, especially the inconsistent opinions of residents on the high and low floors.

Most of the beneficiaries of installing elevators in old buildings are middle and high-rise residents, while low-rise residents are not active. How to coordinate the interests of the owners of the entire building and allow the residents to reach a consensus, the party members and enthusiastic residents of the party branches of the Kangying Homes have played a significant role and become the “leaders” of this project. Through the establishment of the “Residents ‘Meeting Room” communication platform in the building, enthusiastic party members visited the residents’ homes to investigate, patiently communicated with the residents, and understood the actual demands of low-level residents in detail. Experts, according to the opinions of low-level residents, especially to optimize the design of lighting, ventilation and noise reduction requirements.

The solid mass work gradually resolved the concerns of lower-level residents, and the elevator installation project in the old building of Kangying Homestead was smoothly advanced. By the end of this year, 178 elevators will complete the construction of all engineering structures and will be put into use around the Spring Festival next year.

(Original title: 178 elevators installed in the old building, 6000 residents no longer worry about climbing the building)

Source: Beijing Evening News Reporter Zhu Songmei

Process editing TF003

Promote the installation of elevators in old buildings Wed, 20 Nov 2019 03:57:23 +0000 推动旧楼加装电梯 广州各区纷纷推出“新政”

■ An old man is using the retrofitted elevator.

Provide a platform to help residents reduce contradictions, precisely assist poor people to install elevators …

■ Focus on new exploration of installing elevators in old buildings 2

There are 11 old buildings in a compound, 7 elevators have been successfully installed, and 3 buildings are being retrofitted. This scene took place in the courtyard of No. 3-21 Meihua Road, Yuexiu District. Yuexiu District makes full use of community activities such as the “Community Forum” and “Residents’ Chamber” to provide offline communication platforms and online discussion platforms to promote the installation of elevators; the installation of elevator service centers in old residences, Low-income household registration, low-income families with hardships, and special hardships have implemented one-time precision financial subsidies … Since this year, Baiyun District has continued to make efforts to promote the installation of elevators to speed up the problem and solve the problem of difficulty for people to go downstairs.

New Express reporters learned that in order to promote the popular construction of elevators in old buildings, many districts in Guangzhou have issued corresponding policies.

The number of elevators in Yuexiu District ranks first in the city

Yuexiu District is the old urban area of ​​Guangzhou. There is a large stock of multi-storey old buildings from 7 to 9 floors. Among them, there are more than 4,500 old buildings without elevators, especially with the aging population, the number of elevator-free houses is increasing. The number of elderly people living has continued to increase, and the existing multi-storey residential houses equipped with elevators have become an urgent need for high-rise residents, especially elderly residents. Since the Guangzhou Municipal Government issued a policy in 2012 to encourage existing homes to install elevators, 1,562 plans have been approved in Yuexiu District, and a total of 943 elevators have been completed, the largest number in the city.

In order to promote the installation of additional elevators, Yuexiu District formulated and implemented the “Administrative Provisions on Financial Subsidies for Elevators for Existing Residential Buildings in Yuexiu District”. Owners of families with difficulties such as insurance and low-income families will be given a maximum subsidy of 50,000 yuan to avoid blind allocation and extensive subsidies. Reduced the number of filing materials for the installation of elevator notifications from 12 items to 7 items, and implemented “one window acceptance and collaborative processing” for planning filing. An additional elevator service center was set up in the District Housing Management Bureau, a special pre-examination window for elevators was opened in the District Government Affairs Center, and an elevator consultation window was opened in 18 streets. Elevator companies, design and construction units, and party member volunteers were introduced to provide a one-stop, comprehensive Process consulting services, to achieve “full coverage” of additional elevator services throughout the district.

Aiming at the problem of installing elevators, Yuexiu District insists on residents’ autonomy, and makes full use of community activities such as “Community Forum” and “Residents Council” to provide offline communication platforms and online discussion platforms to guide residents to “own their own affairs and discuss their own affairs.” Discuss together. ” By compensating the first-level residents, low-level residents without sharing free use, and individual high-rise residents not sharing or not using, etc., it promotes all interested parties to reach the “maximum common divisor”.

In order to solve the problem of difficulty in maintaining elevators in the old city, Yuexiu launched the “Elevator Hosting Butler” project. Professional companies provide safety officers to take care of elevator maintenance and repair. Residents can use the elevators with peace of mind by spending only 650 yuan a month. At present, 58 custody services have been handled. In addition, in view of the difficulty of raising elevator funds and the difficulty of supervision, the joint financial institution launched a “free guarantee monthly installation of elevators and joint use of elevator funds” financial services to effectively alleviate the pressure on the public to install elevators.

Elevator Service Center Installed in Baiyun District

According to statistics, in recent years, Baiyun District has been accelerating the installation of elevators in old buildings. From 2016, 25 Construction Engineering Planning Permits were issued, to 71 in 2017 and 105 in 2018. This year, Baiyun District has coordinated dissenting opinions, resolved conflicts at the source through effective measures such as building a service platform, introducing subsidy policies, optimizing approval services, and exploring party building leadership, and has accelerated the pace of installing elevators in the old buildings in the district. As of the end of October, Baiyun District had accepted a total of 479 cases of elevator installation, and 115 construction engineering planning permits have been issued for installation of elevators, solving the problem of more than 3,700 households going downstairs.

In order to find out the bottom number, Baiyun District launched a survey of the status of installing elevators in old communities and old houses at the end of last year. Preliminary survey data show that the need to install elevators in the district is about 3,700 units, mainly distributed in Jingtai Street, Sanyuanli Street, Tongde Street, Tangjing Street, etc., involving about 70,000 households and 245,000 people.

What is the process of installing elevators in old homes? How can neighbours have different opinions to negotiate? These neighborhoods are concerned about the problems when installing elevators, and now someone will answer them. In April this year, Baiyun District’s old residential retrofitted elevator service center was officially unveiled.

The relevant person in charge of the Baiyun District Planning and Natural Resources Sub-bureau said that the elevator service center builds a bridge between the government, enterprises, and the masses, and provides citizens with a full chain of elevator preparation methods, technical requirements, declaration procedures, and maintenance. Information, and show the public excellent cases and successful experiences of installing elevators.

This year, Baiyun District also issued the “Implementation Plan for the Financial Subsidy for Elevators in Old Houses in Baiyun District.” The biggest bright spot is that Baiyun District’s fiscal subsidy policy highlights the characteristics of precise subsidies. It implements a one-time accurate financial subsidy for low-income household registration, low-income families with difficulties and special hardships who install elevators in old houses within a certain period of time. Crowds and people in need have installed elevators and used them.

Zengcheng District takes the lead in promoting continuous installation of elevators

At the end of 2018, Zengcheng District took the lead in implementing centralized multi-segment elevators for existing residential buildings in Guangzhou. The planning and natural resources department co-ordinated and was entrusted by the financial investment to the design unit to investigate the 942 ladders of 14 typical communities in the region one by one, and simplified the approval process to three steps to complete, from passive waiting for approval to active service. Unified planning, unified application, unified approval “approval mode.

At the same time, Zengcheng District has also issued a financial fund support policy. After obtaining the “Special Equipment Use Registration Certificate” and submitting an application to the town where it is located, the applicant can obtain a government subsidy of 100,000 yuan each, which has solved the “financial difficulties” problem. At present, Zengcheng District has approved 5 consecutive installations of elevators in the Xintang Town Hydropower Second Bureau Community, New World Community, Xinkang Community, Licheng Country Garden Community in Licheng Street, and Country Garden Haoyuan Community in Shitan Town. The pilot, a total of 441 ladders, has significantly increased the number of approvals for the installation of elevators in this area and the volume of construction.

The Xintang Town Hydropower Second Bureau Community is one of the pilots for continuous elevator installation. The community housing was built in the early 1990s. The 6 to 8-story staircase houses are in great demand for elevator installation. Resident Huang Bo said that the building he lived in was connected to the elevator model, and it only took two months from application to construction. “Centralized installation of elevators saves time and time, and solves the problem of formalities in one go.”

At present, Zengcheng towns and neighborhood committees have set up 35 consultation points for installing elevators to provide consulting, coordination and guidance services. At the same time, relevant departments have jointly carried out in-depth activities in the community to carry out policy promotion, business training, and coordination services on the installation of elevators, and actively solve the problems of difficult and difficult installation of elevators.

Speaking of subsidies for installing elevators in old buildings, Liwan District has to be mentioned. In August 2017, Liwan District took the lead in the city’s implementation of the “100 million people” old building installation of elevators, giving 100,000 yuan in financial subsidies to each eligible elevator installation. Recently, a reporter from the New Express learned from the Liwan District Housing and Construction Bureau that from January to September 2019, Liwan District issued 259 old building elevator installation permits for construction, and from January to September 2019, Liwan District approved the installation of old buildings to install elevators. 201 licenses.

Co-ordination: reporter Zhu Qinghai of New ExpressNew writing: reporter Deng Yifu, Li Yinghua, Xie Yuanyuan and Zhu Qinghai of New Express

Source: New Express

Nanchang old residential building installed elevator “who pays” “how to build” may wish to learn from Wed, 20 Nov 2019 02:53:35 +0000 南昌老旧居民楼加装电梯“谁出钱”“怎么建”不妨借鉴一下

Text / Photo Li Qiao, reporter of Jiangnan Metropolis Daily

On November 1, this year, Nanchang introduced a new policy for installing elevators in old residential quarters, proposing measures to simplify the procedures for installing elevators in residential buildings in old residential quarters, and provide financial subsidies of 80,000 to 100,000 yuan per Taiwan. So, how much does it cost to install an elevator in residential buildings, what approval procedures do you have to go through, how to share the installation costs reasonably, and how to solve the maintenance problems, etc., has become a concern of the residents of the old residential buildings.

The reporter learned that before and after the Spring Festival in 2017, 48 households living in 18 dormitory areas of the northern district of Nanchang University worked hard and self-funded to install elevators in 4 unit buildings, achieving the “no climbing” for middle and high-rise residents in advance. “Wish. They provide a lot of fresh experience and are worth learning from.

An elevator is built outside the unit entrance, and there is an independent entrance door, and residents can enter the unit building from the slope.

Installed elevators belong to “improved retrofit mode”


7-storey high-rise building with “improved” elevator

Located in Nanchang University, Nanchang University, No. 235 Nanjing East Road, Nanchang University, 18 residential buildings, built in 1998, 7-storey, 4 units, one ladder and two families, a total of 56 households, each with an area of ​​about 110 The square meter was the “housing reform house” purchased by the staff and retirees of Nanchang University at that time.

This residential building built in the last century is a typical “old residential building” in Nanchang: each unit is attached to an independent above-ground storage room. Even the first floor residents have to climb two stairs and turn one bend to go home. … I have to say that for such a building without an elevator, going up and down the stairs becomes a difficult problem for residents living in high-rises, especially elderly residents with limited mobility. However, since the elevator has been installed in the unit building, it has become more convenient for residents to go up and down the stairs.

On November 14, when reporters took the elevator experience in 18 residential buildings, they found that the elevators installed in the 4 unit buildings are all “improved addition modes”, that is, the elevator is built outside the unit entrance, with independent entrance doors, residents You can enter the unit from the slope and take the elevator.

Each elevator has a nuclear weight of 450 kg and a nuclear capacity of 6 people, and is equipped with 1, 2, 4, 6, and other 4 stop buttons. The reporter noticed that the elevator could not directly reach the entrance of the resident, and it was necessary to go up and down the stairs to enter the house. According to reports, residents on the second floor have to climb half steps after leaving the elevator, and residents on the third floor need to go down the stairs on the other floor, and so on for other floors … Although such improved elevators cannot fully achieve “accessibility” “However, due to the low floor height, it is indeed much easier for elderly residents to take the elevator up and down the stairs.

The reporter noticed that “Elevator Use Signs” were posted in each elevator car, indicating the information of the manufacturing unit, inspection unit, maintenance unit and rescue phone, which was very standard. The elevator also runs very smoothly, without any shaking or unusual noise.

To explore

It took more than a year to solve the problem of going up and down the stairs.

Keywords: preparation

Residents spent 9 months discussing “how to build” and “saving money”

The reporter learned that in order to install elevators, residents in 18 residential buildings have specially set up an elevator preparatory committee. Preparatory work has begun in early January 2016. As of September of the same year, the construction of the elevator took about 9 months.

“At that time, a neighbor saw that there was a precedent for installing an elevator in a unit building elsewhere. It was not feasible to actively call everyone to discuss it. As a result, it was a” one shot and one call “. The elderly Deng Zhanzhong who was involved in the entire process of installing an elevator was 89 years old. On the 6th floor, it is very inconvenient to go forward and is very active in installing an elevator.

“Some residents went to live with their children in the field, and the house was empty. I felt that building an elevator had nothing to do with them; while some residents were still young and had convenient legs, although they had high floors, they felt that they did not need to build an elevator for the time being.” Deng Zhanzhong said, In order to maximize the understanding of the needs of the residents and formulate the most reasonable construction and cost sharing plan, the elevator preparatory committee has done the work one by one, and has finally received everyone’s understanding and support.

The reporter learned that the installation of elevators in unit buildings also involves the approval and support of multiple government departments and enterprise units such as construction, market supervision, urban management, fire protection, and power supply. Although the installation of elevators in the 18 residential buildings is at the expense of the residents, it is obviously unrealistic to rely on the residents to “run back and forth” involving so many units and departments. Therefore, the elevator preparatory committee came forward to ask the Nanchang University for support. With the coordination and settlement of the school, the elevators in the residential building finally got the “permit for birth” and entered the substantial construction phase.

Keywords: cost

The cost of each elevator was more than 330,000 yuan, and it only took 4 months to complete the construction.

The reporter learned that the cost of installing an elevator in each of the 18 residential buildings was about 330,000 yuan. Construction started in September 2016 and was completed on January 20, 2017. It was officially put into use at the end of February of the same year. The addition of an elevator outside the unit building not only includes the cost of purchasing elevator cabins, but also involves opening stairs, digging foundations, sinking wells, pouring reinforced concrete piles, and so on. Take 18 residential buildings to install elevators as an example. The original construction cost was more than 320,000 yuan / unit. In the actual construction, an additional 10,000 yuan was added because the elevator foundation was poured.

“The elevator builder is very professional, and all technical problems can be solved.” Said Mr. Deng Zhanzhong. In order to ensure the safety of residents, the elevator preparatory committee invited well-known brand elevator manufacturers and hoistway construction units to take charge, so it took only 4 months to complete all It was completed much faster than expected.

Keywords: apportionment

“Different floors have different apportionments” to apportion expenses according to the usage rate

Deng Zhanzhong said that after the idea of ​​installing an elevator was added to the unit building, the principle of apportioning the construction costs was agreed upon: that is, except for the outdoor living room on the 1st and 2nd floor, the residents on the 3rd to 7th floor should share all the expenses reasonably.

In fact, due to the different heights of residents’ floors, the utilization rate of elevators is naturally different. In accordance with the concept of “different floors and different allocations”, the elevator committee proposed that the allocation of 330,000 yuan of elevator cost be set to three levels: the first floor of the third floor, and about 28,000 yuan per household; the fourth and fifth floors For one stall, more than 30,000 yuan per household; on the 6th and 7th floors are one stall, each household contributes more than 40,000 yuan. As a result, the problem of the largest and most cost-sharing issue has been basically resolved.

“At the end of preparation, the residents on the second floor took the initiative to approach the door and asked to participate in the construction and use of the elevator.” The cost borne by each company has been reduced compared to the previous one.

Keywords: annual fee

Elevator use and maintenance fees

It only costs up to 155 yuan per year

“After the elevator is installed, everyone can have the greatest convenience for only a small amount of money,” said Deng Zhanzhong. Taking last year as an example, he lived on the 6th floor and enjoyed the elevator going up and down. Convenient and feels good value for money.

The reporter saw in the “Elevator Fee Schedule in 2018” posted inside the elevator that after the elevator was put into use, the electricity fee was 715.5 yuan / year (part) and the annual inspection fee was 742.5 yuan / year (part). The 14 households in each unit will pay from the lowest to the highest according to the four-level allocation principle agreed in advance.

According to reports, the lowest two-story residents pay 82 yuan, and the highest six-story and seventh-story residents pay 155 yuan.

Yantai Smart Elevator Emergency Disposal Service Platform Launched Trapped elevator can dial 96333 Tue, 19 Nov 2019 02:03:19 +0000 烟台智慧电梯应急处置服务平台启用 被困电梯可拨96333

Elevator safety has a bearing on the well-being of the people. Yesterday, the city’s smart elevator emergency disposal service platform was officially launched. In the future, emergency number plates will be posted for each elevator. Elevated people can seek professional rescue by dialing the “96333” rescue hotline to achieve “accurate positioning and rescue of trapped people Dispose of elevator safety guarantee functions such as quick response, real-time tracking of rescue situations, timely reporting of rescue results, and accurate analysis of failure causes.

With the rapid economic and social development, the number of elevators in our city has grown rapidly. As of the end of October this year, the city’s elevator ownership reached 39,525, an increase of 14.45% year-on-year. The rapid increase in the number of elevators has placed higher requirements on elevator management and emergency response work. “Now the safety of the elevator is imminent. Through the emergency disposal platform, the rescue efficiency can be greatly improved.” Wang Zhenhai, chief of the special supervision section of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, introduced that the elevator emergency disposal platform of Yantai City takes the elevator information database as the core, and the elevator emergency disposal dispatch platform The elevator basic information management platform is two main working platforms. Through the establishment of a professional organization “Yantai 96333 Elevator Emergency Disposal Center”, the opening of a “96333” unified city hotline, the development of a software platform “Yantai Elevator Emergency Disposal Platform”, Purchasing necessary hardware equipment and posting emergency sign number plates for each elevator to achieve elevator safety guarantee functions of “accurate positioning of trapped personnel, rapid response to rescue disposal, real-time tracking of rescue situations, timely reporting of rescue results, and accurate analysis of failure reasons” .

After the elevator emergency disposal platform was put into operation, the trapped personnel of the elevator sought professional rescue by dialing the “96333” rescue hotline. The platform dispatched and implemented the three-level rescue. The elevator’s maintenance unit implemented the first-level rescue. When the maintenance unit could not arrive in time , Dispatch emergency rescue personnel in the grid to implement secondary rescue. When rescue personnel in the grid are not in the service area, contact 119 to have the rescue team implement the rescue. Wang Zhenhai told reporters that through the grid rescue system complementation, centralized dispatch and emergency mechanism, according to various factors such as the number of elevators, pedestrian flow, and traffic conditions, the city’s elevator emergency rescue centralized dispatch, rapid processing, and shorten the rescue time.

At the same time, after the elevator emergency disposal platform system is operated, various statistical analyses can be performed based on daily operation big data and fault and rescue conditions to provide elevator maintenance quality, emergency rescue response capabilities, elevator brand quality, and fault types for elevator safety monitoring. Supported by statistics, high-incidence units and other data; meanwhile, professional technical personnel equipped with the platform organize and coordinate emergency rescue of special equipment accidents; participate in the investigation and processing of special equipment accidents and statistical analysis through the platform; and special equipment production, use, maintenance Provide technical guidance for emergency rescues carried out by insurance and other units.

According to the plan, the emergency handling platform for elevators in our city will achieve the goal of 5000 elevators connected to the network within the year and the goal of 20,000 elevators connected to the network by the end of next year. At the same time, the WeChat public account query function will be gradually opened. Elevator emergency sign numbers and other methods can be used to query basic information such as elevator use, maintenance and inspection in real time. (Reporter Gao Shaoshuai Correspondent Mo Yan Photography Report)

Dong Mingzhu: Why should the payment be delivered? Fri, 08 Nov 2019 02:02:27 +0000 董明珠:为什么要款到发货?

In 1990, 36-year-old Dong Mingzhu became a salesman in Zhuhai Haili Air Conditioner Factory (formerly Gree Electric). Dong Mingzhu abandons the consignment system of first payment and later payment in the industry, and first promotes the “Gree system” of first payment and later payment in the Anhui region. Because it is different from the old rules, it brings a lot of troubles and resistance to Dong Mingzhu, but fortunately, after touching the nails again and again, the first payment and the last product promoted by Dong Mingzhu were finally approved by an electrical store in Huainan, Anhui, and made Her first business in the Anhui area.

To this day, Gree has been using this model of the first payment after the goods. Dong Mingzhu also said on many occasions that it is the sales model of the first payment after the goods that has made today’s Gree.

Nowadays, more and more manufacturers have adopted the first payment and then the goods, but there are also many people who don’t understand: Now that the production is becoming excessive, why do we still require the first payment and the later products?

Why should the payment be delivered?

1. Payment to delivery can allow customers to carefully consider the type and quantity of the purchase, and do not make random purchases. If there is arrears, there may be random purchases. And payment to delivery can make customers sell their products more carefully. For example, we will go to see movie tickets that have been bought for 100 yuan today. If the snow is so heavy, we do n’t want to go, because those who do n’t pay do n’t care.

2. At the beginning of the credit account, it has laid the groundwork for offending and losing customers in the future. How much of the cooperative relationship has changed from the initial politeness, understanding, support, and trust to the final reminder, dragging, hiding, turning over, scolding A lawsuit;

3. Payment to delivery can make our relationship better, because cash customers must be our most cherished customers, and we will retain you with the greatest discount.

Therefore, when you start cooperation, you should dare to ask for it. Don’t be afraid to fail to do this business. Over-lowering the bottom line will lose the principle. In the end, you will lose both money and money! We cherish every customer who checks out in time. Even if the quantity is not large and high quality is required, being able to check out in time is the greatest credibility and wealth! Reputation is a person, a company, a source of development!

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Amazing! Incorporating Syney into the “Wujiang Gallery” Fri, 08 Nov 2019 01:09:07 +0000 惊艳!将西尼融入到山清水秀的“乌江画廊”之中

The ancient town of Liyang Gongtan is a national 4A-level scenic spot and a provincial-level scenic spot with a history of more than 1,700 years. The Qingshiban Street in the ancient town is as green as jade, which connects the whole town. The street is surrounded by antique wooden towers with high cliffs, which have unique local characteristics. Located in the territory of Liyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County of Chongqing City, it is located on the east bank of Wujiang at the intersection of Wujiang and Apengjiang, which is comparable to the world cultural heritage of Lijiang Ancient Town.

Diaojiaolou stands against the water and is built against the mountains. The aura of green mountains and green waters is integrated with nature. It is Xiaojiabiyu in the group of buildings, small and exquisite, elegant and dignified, showing the beauty that fits nature in the simple. The ancient town of Yishui and the mountain gorge are called “the essence of Wujiang Gallery”.

The Syney escalator is a new experience in the traffic of Gongtan Ancient Town. It provides the ancient town with an outdoor bus escalator solution with a total lifting height of more than 30 meters. The solution consists of three Syney escalators, one of which is H15m / 30/1000. The city’s highest-height outdoor bus-type escalators), designed with log decoration, blue tile roof, ancient style, looks like a Tujialou belt from a distance, fully integrated into the ancient town’s thousand years of history.

The sightseeing escalator will be completed and put into use soon. The streets of the ancient town are staggered. It took half an hour from the south of the ancient town to the best viewing point. Now, in less than 5 minutes, you can have a panoramic view of the ancient town and the “Wujiang Gallery”. You can also enjoy the ancient charm of thousands of Tujia along the way.

For those who like classical style and enjoy the scenery, Liyang Gongtan Ancient Town is definitely a good choice. By the way, enjoy the peace and comfort brought by the Sini escalator!

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Amazing | The views you can enjoy in those elevators! Thu, 31 Oct 2019 00:06:25 +0000 惊叹 | 那些电梯里就能欣赏的景观!

In modern life, elevators are becoming more and more important. We usually have elevators and escalators in places such as office buildings, shopping malls, supermarkets, subway trains, and community real estate. However, many people do n’t know that in the world, there are many wonderful views you can see by taking an elevator. As if feeling another world.

1. Fushan Mountain Panshan Escalator, Henan

The climbing escalator is composed of six-level sightseeing elevators, with a total length of 518 meters and a drop of 180 meters. Looking at the escalator from a distance, it looks like a long dragon. You can take the escalator to the top of the mountain in 12 minutes and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way!

2.Hundred Dragon Ladder, Zhangjiajie, Hunan

The construction of Bailong Elevator has provided transportation guarantee for achieving the goal of “upper mountain and lower mountain”. It takes more than 4 hours to reach the first bridge, Wulong Village, Tianzi Mountain Slope, and Mountain Insurance from the Yuanjiajie Tianxia Bridge on the mountain from Shangxiashui. (It takes 2 hours to climb from the back garden). The Bailong Sightseeing Elevator only takes 2 minutes.

Bailong Sightseeing Elevator is a brand-new experience of transportation in the scenic area. It is the first in China and the highest in the world. Its completion plays a scientific role in passenger flow in Zhangjiajie Scenic Area. The construction technology of Bailong Elevator Project is complicated, the construction is difficult, and the categories are numerous. It has the title of “Project Construction Museum”.

Bailong Elevator Price and Fee: Elevator ride fee is 56 yuan (single line), one-line discount ticket: 33 yuan, 112 yuan (double line)。

3. Escalator in Enshi Grand Canyon, Hubei

Enshi Grand Canyon is China’s 5A-level tourist attraction, also known as the Qingjiang Grand Canyon, and is comparable to the Colorado Grand Canyon in the United States in terms of landscape. The canyon has cliffs, waterfalls, virgin forests and other beautiful scenery. It is a must-see for tourists who like nature. A scenic escalator was intentionally built in the scenic spot. This escalator is 688 meters long and is currently the longest in the world. It is built on the mountains of the Grand Canyon. The appearance of a modern elevator in a natural scenic area is a contradiction, but this escalator has no trouble in this regard, because the designer uses raw wood as the material, and the roof is built into a Tujia-style blue tile roof. Looking from a distance, the escalator is like a Tujialou belt, located among the trees in the canyon.

4. Cliff cliff elevator in Huquan, Shanxi

The Baquanxia cliff elevator is located in the cliff of Baquanxia, Taihang Grand Canyon, Huguan County, Shanxi. Set the world record of the highest through-hole outdoor sightseeing elevator in the world. The Baquanxia cliff-wall elevator belongs to a fully open outdoor mountain-mounted steel structure open-air elevator. The steel-frame shaft is not closed and is installed along a steep mountain wall. The operating height is 208 meters, each carrying 21 passengers at a time, the operating speed reaches 4m / s, and the journey operating time is 52s. Ascending to the top of the elevator, the three-layer fully-transparent glass observatory “City of the Sky”, at the same time, you can see the magnificent scenery of the Grand Canyon. It has become the landmark building of Taiquan Mountain Grand Canyon Baquanxia Scenic Area. The sky city of Baquan Gorge, the 208-meter lift ladder can directly reach Tiancheng.

5. Chongqing Wushan Goddess Ladder

The Goddess Ladder is located in the southern ring tourism route of Wushan Goddess Scenic Area. This scenic spot is located in the core scenic spot of Wuxia in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. . The Goddess Ladder is a vertical sightseeing elevator with a vertical height of 222 meters. It is known as the “first elevator in the world” with a total investment of 160 million yuan. The running speed is 4 meters, each elevator has a load of 1,600 kilograms, and 21 people.

6.Shanghai Center Tower Straight Ladder

Shanghai Tower is a super high-rise landmark skyscraper. Lujiazui Trade Center in Shanghai. The height is 632 meters, and there are 119 floors on the ground. The shape is similar to the pick of a guitar, twisted by nearly 1 degree each level, forming a spiral appearance. The elevator in the Shanghai Tower is really good. It doesn’t take a minute to go to the 118th floor, it seems to be 53 seconds. The point is that the whole process is very smooth and stable. If it were not for swelling of eardrums, you might not feel All of a sudden I went up to the 118th floor. Compared to all known building elevators, the fastest one is the Shanghai Center Building elevator, which has a speed of 20.5 meters per second, which is really great.

7. Ocean Sightseeing Elevator at Radisson Blu Hotel Berlin

Largest cylindrical aquarium: Built in the hotel, it has 8 floors, and the sightseeing elevator can directly reach the top.

Eight-story giant fish tank, you can take an elevator for sightseeing. It is 25 meters high and houses more than 1,500 fish. It also has an elevator that can go up and down through the center of the fish tank. It is so large that people can only clean it by diving, three to four times a day. There is no doubt that AquaDom is the burdock aquarium in the world. AquaDom is located at the Sea Life Centre at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Berlin, Germany. The huge fish tank cost € 12.8 million to build and was completed in 2004. Below is the large fish tank AquaDom, which forms the center of marine life. It includes a walkable underwater channel, interactive deepwater pools and other magical ways to reach your favorite marine life.

8. Singapore Xingyao Changi Sightseeing Elevator

JJewel Changi (Singapore) costing 1.7 billion Singapore dollars. When you step down the escalator and lift your head, it seems that you have stepped into the legendary fairy kingdom ~. Entering “Xingyao Changi”, the first thing that catches the eye is the rain vortex located in the center of the building. The waterfall falling from the sky is complemented by a glass dome composed of 9,000 pieces of glass, more than 18,000 steel beams, and more than 6,000 steel nodes and refreshing green plants … Small trains to and from various terminals pass through the water mist. Take the sightseeing elevator and slowly descend from the lush green garden. At this moment, I feel that people have become immortals, and they are walking freely in the wonderland of Yaochi under their feet. Other amusement facilities, such as Manulife Sky Net, Hedge Maze, Mirror Maze, and Magic Slide, are in perfect harmony with the chic indoor garden environment.

There are also many elevators in the world that are cleverly designed, novel in appearance, or can give people a unique experience. For example, the straight ladder of Taipei 101 takes 37 seconds from the 5th floor to the 89th floor indoor observation deck. Share it today, and collect some amazing elevator wonders for everyone next time!

Note: Some materials come from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.


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惊叹 | 那些电梯里就能欣赏的景观!
